If you are a writer or an artist, and have ever needed a publisher or an agent or copyright advice or a kick-start in writing travel books, you have probably consulted the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook.
Almost every library has a print copy, but usually this is a reference copy which you can’t pour over in the discomfort of your own garret. Look no further than the electronic version, which comes to you courtesy of KnowUK, one of the Westminster Libraries Exclusive Resources (you will need your library card to log on at your desk or easel).
The KnowUK version of the Yearbook is not such a good browse as the paper copy, but the "directory" layout does have distinct advantages. The table of contents offers choices of writing genre, together with art and illustration, photography, copyright and libel, and several other categories (not forgetting a vital one, finance for writers and artists).
Expand any category to see the sub-headings and get to the meat of the text, which is densely packed with good advice and - a vital ingredient - encouragement. The practitioners giving hints and tips are people you’ve actually heard of (ie successful writers/artists), and the stuff on copyright, finance and resources is written by genuine experts who work in this particular field.
As for my own romantic work, A Shiver in the Shrubbery, I think it will be much improved now that I have read Jane Green’s advice. Or maybe I’ll rename it A Tryst in the Trossachs and turn it into a travel book…
(From the Gateway to websites, select "Books". The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook is a Key Link.)
Mission Control
As I mention above, the Gateway to websites has a direct link to the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, but of course we also link to the "mother ship", KnowUK itself. This is a vast, huge, gi-normous mega-resource (you get the picture - it’s rather large).
There are directories and yearbooks and guidebooks and gazetteers and encyclopaedias and topic guides and advice finders on arts, biography, courses and careers, education, events, general knowledge… pause for breath… actually this is silly - have a look for yourself. Your time will not be wasted.
(From the Gateway to websites, select "Quick reference". KnowUK is under "Directories".)
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