Thursday, 25 June 2009

Anyone for Bunnock?

Yes, you guessed! It’s the “take advantage of a Brit still being in Wimbledon to plug a few sporting websites” issue!

We will start, however, not with tennis whites but with sharp suits and trilbies.

And they’re off!

Actually the suit-and-trilby sneer is a completely unjustified caricature of the users of the Sporting Life website. I’m not saying that your average race-goer won’t check the odds on this site – he/she probably will, and maybe place a bet in passing. But there’s so much more to this website than horse racing.

Football, cricket, tennis, golf… they’re all there. When I looked, they had the latest news on Formula 1, the current score in the touring match at Hove, and Leicester Tigers’ fixtures for the coming season. It’s extraordinary how many live feeds they’ve got coming in simultaneously - probably not that surprising if you’re a techie, but I was impressed.

If you want to head off and put your hard-earned on a horse with a name that’s a bit like your sister’s, Sporting Life can accommodate you. But if all you want is lots of free stuff on your particular sport, it’s seven to four they can do it. And you don’t need any stake money to enter the competitions!

(From the Gateway to websites, select “Sport & recreation”. Sporting Life is a Key Link.)

The truth about Bunnock?

What to say that’s original about Traditional Games? It’s not an enormous website covering thousands of games, but it is good on games from around the world, including some weird and wonderful games which are in danger of disappearing altogether. In fact they encourage organisers of leagues devoted to endangered games to send in the details for inclusion on the site.

So come forward, all you players of Aunt Sally or Ringing the Bull, you are not (quite) alone!

(From the Gateway to websites, select “Sport & recreation”. Traditional Games is – slightly inaccurately – under “Indoor games”.)

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