Wednesday, 21 July 2010

You're Fired!!!

Well, not really, obviously but it can’t have escaped the notice of any of us that these are dark days for jobseekers and more and more people are asking for our help in finding employment. So we at Treasure Hunt Towers have put together a collection of links and useful information that we hope will be useful for our readers. Go to the Westminster Library Gateway and you will notice a box labelled Back to work – we can help. At the top is a guide to where to find jobs ads – both in print and online. One top tip is to recommend people to check each local council website every week as very few public sector jobs make it into the Guardian or Voice any more. (go to the Westminster Council homepage and you’ll find a link at the bottom to Jobs and Vacancies). We’ve given a link to the libraries careers advice sessions (very handy for printing out for a reader) and to the local advice services.

As well as the Back to Work, it’s also worth pointing readers (and yourselves) towards the Education section. Scroll down to the Adult & further education for links to the local adult education colleges (including Westminster Adult Education Service) plus the online version of Floodlight, which lists part-time course all over London. And for anyone who wants a complete change of career there are links to colleges running access courses and to universities in the higher education. Have a look – who knows, you may discover a hitherto suppressed desire to make a career in Golf Management or Fish Farming!

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